Monday, 2 February 2009

Authority of Affiliate Marketing and Article Marketing

Another big advantage is that Article Marketing can put you miles ahead of your competition, especially if you're selling resell rights products or promoting affiliate marketing links, two areas with the most direct competition online. By raising the profile, links to and search engine rankings for your affiliate pre-sell pages, squeeze pages or resell rights sales pages, you can start to see results not matched by any of your competition.

On April 23, 2008, I spent 15 minutes writing each of 3 articles - 45 minutes total. I was careful to pick topics that are tightly targeted to the sites and products I have online, so they were on resell rights, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

That's an important point about successful article marketing - the more tightly targeted your article is to your sites' target market, for more details visit to the better your results will be. With article marketing you're actually pre-qualifying your traffic because only those who were sufficiently interested in reading your original article will click the following link to your sites, and if the article was highly relevant then this targeted traffic arrives at your site already accepting you as an expert in the subject area and ready to see what more you have on it.

Back to our article marketing case study... After spending 45 minutes writing the three articles, I then fired my secret weapon - the real trick to doing article marketing quickly, efficiently and effectively. I logged into one of the most-professional article submission services online and uploaded my 3 articles.

A week later as I was about to start week two's article marketing activities, I logged back into the submission service to see what the situation was with the first 3 articles. How does 149 back links in Google alone sound to you?

That's 149 more places for people to run into my name and solid info from me online, 149 more links back to my sites, each capable of attracting tightly-targeted traffic to my sales pages and affiliate marketing pre-sell pages. For one hour's work, for more details visit to total. That's the immediate benefit to article marketing - almost instant speeding by the search engines, and a number of new profit conduits set up aimed at your payment button or affiliate links.

Assuming that was the average response rate, over the course of a year that would be about 150 articles you would write and submit, and the results would be almost 7,500 links to your sites, blogs and affiliate links - think that would help your marketing efforts? And even if you could find them, what do you think 7,500 one-way backlinks to your sites would cost?

And believe it or not, that's just the tip of the iceberg with Article Marketing. You see, to already be spidered, indexed and appearing in Google within a week of going online, those copies of my articles are all at article directories or article repositories - the sites online where webmasters, marketers, e-zine publishers, e-book authors and bloggers go to find fresh content.

Assuming even a very small proportion of those people like the articles and choose to use them, the number of sites using the articles, promoting my name and expertise, and exposing people to my links will skyrocket exponentially. So during our sample year, as more directories are spidered, as more webmasters, marketers and bloggers use my articles and are eventually spidered too, the number of links to my sites from those 150 articles could easily reach 15,000, 30,000 or even 100,000 links, each it's own tiny little salesperson for my growing online empire.

And remember too, article marketing is just one area of a professional marketing attack, a small part of the full Web 2.0 traffic-generating techniques, albeit a very powerful part. If you've been missing out on the power of article marketing, you may now have a better idea of why some marketers are doing so much better with resell rights products and affiliate marketing than you have been. Change that today - add the power of Article Marketing into YOUR Internet marketing arsenal today.

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Anonymous,  14 February 2009 at 01:03  

Its right that many of the websites are faking that they will make you to earn money online and people should not believe that as they are really a thug.
If any one wants to earn money from internet, he should start his own business without depending on any website or any person.
In the business of affiliated marketing a person is boss of himself.

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